Real Time Development

Real-time Dashboards

Companies are having to contend with much more information than ever before, from data that they gather from customers and workers to the massive sets of data that they purchase or generate on an ongoing basis. Keeping track of all this information is crucial and can mean the difference between falling behind competitors and taking the lead in the marketplace.

You may be bringing in an ocean of information, with statistics from the Internet, the latest sales reports figures from your team to inquiries from customers. You also have such details including as all the material flowing through your organization’s social media channels, press inquiries and vendor reports. If you don’t have the software tools in place to manage and analyze all this data as it’s coming into the system, you stand to miss out on valuable business opportunities as well as hearing about problems developing before it’s too late.

This kind of information cannot be managed easily with simple spreadsheets. You need an effective business dashboard that’s easily capable of handling all your real-time data and presenting it to members of your team so they can see what they need to know in a glance.

At Redback Software Solutions, we know that our customers often cannot get by with using generic dashboard to get the most out of this kind of software solution. Our team will work with you to determine your special data needs and will create a customized real-time dashboard so you can work smarter.

Important Aspects of Real-Time Dashboards

  • Analytics
    You need powerful analytics to make sense of all the information pouring through your company, from sales, social media, marketing and more. Use your dashboard to access this information at any time.

  • Social Media
    Social media is far too difficult to monitor effectively with human eyes alone. Use your business dashboard to stay on top of developments, including viral messages spreading through your online network of friends, to compliments and criticism that must be addressed immediately.

  • Sales
    Sales is often one of the most dynamic departments in an organization. Getting access to real-time data through your new company dashboard will give you all better insight into the sales process.

  • Marketing
    What’s happening in marketing department? The dashboard will let your team keep on top of events in real time.

  • Infrastructure
    Monitor the details of your company’s infrastructure, from environmental sensors to emergency alarms and the full range of equipment in your data center or factory floor.

  • Help and Support
    Is your help desk overwhelmed? The dashboard will help you spot problems, such as a bottleneck in the help team when trying to resolve certain categories of problems before it becomes a much bigger mess, with customer hanging up before reaching you.

At Redback Software Solutions, our team of knowledgeable developers, designers and programmers has worked on numerous real-time dashboards for customers in a variety of industries. To get a better handle on all your vital business data in one convenient place and to improve the workflow in your company, you’ll want to create your own dashboard app. For more information on how we create dashboard apps to companies’ specifications or to get the ball rolling on your dashboard app project, please contact the professionals at Redback Software Solutions today.

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At Redback Softwares, we equip our proficient web development team with suitable Internet technologies and tools that help them in carrying out effective planning and follow the rigorous development process in order to meet the client requirements.

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