Real Time Development
Interestingly, now it is possible to provide this data instantly to the mass by acquiring swiftly growing real time technologies. While the demands concerning to acquiring real time data are reaching sky high, real time mobile apps are now becoming the ultimate source to reach out to the mass with updated information just as it happens.
These apps are being fueled by the power of real time data by integrating real time technologies such as Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and Embedded systems. This suggests that real time apps still have a long way to go, hence businesses will keep an eye on efficient real time development services.
Redback Software Solutions, with its team of skilled app developers with an in-depth technical know-how, is thrived to fill in the void in an effective manner by providing robust real time development solutions to its clients. In the ever-shifting landscape of business and technology, OpenXcell has maintained its position as one of the most early adopters of newer technologies and technical advancements. This has fostered us to build competitive apps integrated with real time functionalities since a while now.
With an experience of over half a decade, OpenXcell has been dealing with real time technologies and thereby developing real time applications ranging from an array of sectors. We understand that today, real time technologies have become the backbone of apps for various industry sectors, whether it is transport industry, online marketplaces, home automation or even the thriving sports industry.
Hence, OpenXcell is determined to develop industry best real time Mobile apps that includes:
- Real time Web apps
- Real time and multiplayer games
- Instant messaging/Chat apps
- VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
- Collaboration apps
- Location tracking apps
- Whiteboard Animations apps
- Real time Dashboards
- Real time apps for Data Storage and Sync
Being well-versed with the core development processes, OpenXcell has already developed a plethora of real time applications for industries that includes, eCommerce, healthcare, gaming, technology and more.
Our real time app development process has mainly five stages:
- Consulting
- Designing
- Developmen
- Real time feature integration)
- Support and Maintenance
By deploying these effective real time development processes, we strive to build cost-effective and robust real time applications that will get you high returns for your investments.