Real Time Development

Real-time Mobile Apps

These days, with more people than ever accessing the Internet with their mobile devices via cellular data networks as well as nearly ubiquitous and free Wi-Fi to get online, customers expect instant answers to their questions. Examples of such information include messages from multiple chat partners, stock ticker information and other frequently updated public or private information, multiplayer online games and massive database inquiries.

Users may be submitting questions whose answers can be pulled up automatically for them from your company’s database. Others will often have more complicated information needs that will only be satisfied with material derived from a combination of third-party data sets whose contents must be integrated for your particular business model. In such cases, users need apps that are fueled by the power of real-time data. They want to be able to instantly transmit information through your app to support their inquiries, work on a collaborative project or get pressing answers for their own customers and clients. They cannot afford to wait around while distant servers

Does your organization need to develop an app that is capable of constantly engaging with end users with updated information? Some apps work fine as static applications on mobile devices, relying on a built-in database or a functionality that does not require access to online services. Other apps, though, must function in real time in order to deliver value and connectivity to users.

The talented professionals at Redback Software Solutions have experience creating real-time mobile apps for a variety of customers. After we listen to your project specifications and determine the best approach to build your app, our team will get started working on a prototype.

Next, we create the user interface and navigation features and tweak the design based on feedback and our own observations of how it functions. The app gets closer to reality as we further refine the process with additional tests to see how a group of target users will interact with it.

In the meanwhile, our talented developers will be working on the code required for real-time interaction. It can get somewhat tricky in this stage of app design and development, as we will need to work out issues concerning the network transport layer for scheduling polling, establishing web sockets and handling events from the server. There will also be work to ensure cross-platform compatibility to ensure you will have flawless connections between different clients and the server.

Our team has plenty of experience sorting out back-end system needs to make sure that your users’ data requirements will be fulfilled in real-time via mobile devices 24/7/365. This means, for example, that the system must be robust and fast enough to retrieve the appropriate information and make any necessary analysis for fast updates. Systems typically will have predictive capabilities to make it faster for them to supply end users with information from massive databases.

With a robust and responsive system in place for your real-time mobile app, you can monetize your information or offered services and improve the experience of your loyal end users, which is essential for maintaining your position in the market.

For more information about real-time mobile app development and how our team of software experts can help you turn the idea of your app project into reality, please call the experts at Redback Software Solutions today.

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At Redback Softwares, we equip our proficient web development team with suitable Internet technologies and tools that help them in carrying out effective planning and follow the rigorous development process in order to meet the client requirements.

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