Real Time Development

Instant Messaging / Chat Apps

People love communicating with one another using their mobile devices while on the go. Voice communication with others is sometimes problematic when users are otherwise engaged, such as when they are in a meeting. However, as long as they can stay connected with chat and messaging services, they will be happy.

They can stay in touch quickly and easily, with just a few taps on the touch-sensitive display of their smartphone or tablet. However, there are multiple platforms and some people do not find it easy to communicate with one device to another using native apps that come with these devices.

Your company can help end users stay in touch more readily when you create an app that can communicate with people on a variety of devices./p>

If you have an idea that adds some interesting new functionality to a chat app or instant messaging, you will want to bring it to the world as soon as possible so they can start using it and stay connected with colleagues, friends and loved ones.

You can profit from developing an instant messaging/chat app in a number of ways. For example, if you provide an app free of charge to users to download and use, you can monetize it by selling sponsorship.

The small ads that users will have to see while using the app should be discreetly placed so they don’t interfere with functionality. Some app developers do not pay attention to such details or fail to test their apps to see if users will mind how the ads appear or how often they rotate. We know the importance of doing multiple user tests, from prototyping to well into the development process.

Can users easily use your chat and messaging app while holding a smartphone in one hand, using the same hand? A busy mother holding her baby while in line at the bank cannot be bothered with exchanging messages with work or other family members if she cannot easily type and send her comments with her thumb. Our team knows how to create suitable user interfaces for chat and messaging apps and we will make sure that your app will be easy and straightforward for everyone to use.

Your app may be so desirable that people will want to pay for it, which will give you an important revenue stream for years to come, so long as you make sure to partner with an app development firm that knows how to build engaging, useful and easy chat/messaging apps.

Why Users Would Want to Download Your New Instant Messaging or Chat App

  • They don’t want to pay extra messaging fees to their mobile service provider.

  • Generic app included with their device lacks the features they want or need.

  • They want a more intuitive interface that is easier to use.

  • They want to stay in touch with members of the community that have coalesced around your organization.

  • They want an easy way to share things with other users, such as pictures, videos, voice recordings and files.

The talented development team at Redback Software Solutions has experience creating chat apps and instant messaging apps for our customers, and we know what end users expect and truly need in their communication apps. To get started on your own branded instant messaging/chat app or to learn more information about our app development process, please contact Redback Software Solutions today.

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